I thought I would share with you all this month, my working space!I am lucky to have my own desk tucked away in a corner of the house which I can cover in trinkets and paste pictures next to for inspiration. So here it is – my little writing nook!
Below is my inspiration board which has pictures of things I really like and are vaguely medieval.The horseback scene was from a beautiful historical calendar I had years ago and kept the pages I especially liked. I like this one as it has every day depictions of medieval life with the woman spinning and the chickens and the sheep and the hound and the couple on their horse (I particularly like the way the guy is resting his hand on her thigh!). I love this postcard of a bust of a medieval woman by Francesco Laurana.Wish I could get a repro somewhere but have yet to come across one! The knight on horseback is from a St George’s day card. The lady in the fabulous green dress is Ellen Terry painted by Sargent as Lady MacBeth. The paper dress up doll is tudor Queen Elizabeth I as a young girl and the others are from picture cards I have bought over the years and added to my scrapbook.

Next up is a reproduction bust of Arnoldo Giannelli’s ‘Woman in a Medici Collar’ which I bought at a flea market and just love. I gave her the necklace to wear which was one I bought myself years ago from a shop I used to love called ‘Past Times’ which used to reproduce historic themed items. This is a Tudor style necklace with blue cabochons and seed pearls.

Thirdly is my miniatures cabinet. I do enjoy mixing a cocktail and if I have a love scene to write I may indulge in a strawberry daiquiri or an elderflower gin fizz or whatever takes my fancy.

Lastly I include a couple of desk accessories – my opera glasses which I use to spy on birds from my window if I need a momentary break from the computer screen. The brooch I thought looked quite tudor in style although the subject picture is of Dorothy’s ruby slippers! I can’t remember if I bought it off Etsy or eBay but it’s great fun.

So glad you approve! Ah yes, I was so shocked when Past Times folded, although they did used to have lots of sales with heavily discounted items... I still miss it on the high street.
I like your writing nook :) Lovely pictures that inspire and booze - I approve. I do miss Past Times, too. Their jewellery lines were beautiful and well made. I am wearing most of their jewellery to this day.